Sunday, January 17, 2010

#f450 What Does it Mean ?

#f450 What Does it Mean ?
Well its an idea by a Lady called Grethic's it is Featured on her Blog Grethicia Space.
#f450 stands for fit for fifty but you don't have to be Fifty to take part its her Personal Campaign to get fit for her 50th year.
I have decided to join her as having High Blood Pressure and lets face it must of us would like to lose a bit of weight.
So I'm going to try and walk more I'm sure my Two Dogs will love that.
My problem is like most other people I like Food , most times I'm on a see food diet yep see food got to eat it.
I will post how I'm doing and I think its going to be really hard but I know I need to do it.
Like so many people I've got into so many bad habits health wise , use food to comfort eat etc.
I hope you follow to check on my progress or lack of it , but fingers crossed.